- Last Modified: Friday 31 January 2025, 04:33:05.
About Kerala Pravasi Welfare Board
Kerala Pravasi Welfare Board
Kerala Pravasi Welfare Board is the outcome of a concerted effort by the Government of Kerala to create a Welfare Fund that would provide welfare schemes to Non-Resident Keralites (NRKs). To this effect, the Government had introduced a bill and passed the Kerala Non-Resident Keralites’ Welfare Act, 2008.
Since then, more than four lakhs NRKs have enrolled as members in the Welfare Fund. NRKs who have now returned to India for permanent settlement after at least two years of foreign employment, can also avail membership in this Welfare Fund. The Act envisages many which are described elsewhere in this website.
The Act envisages the formation of the Welfare Fund through contribution from the registered members @ of Rs. 350/- (w.e.f. 01.04.2022) per month as contribution from each Non Resident Keralite (abroad). Every Non Resident Keralite (abroad) member when returned and settled down permanently in the State has to pay Rs. 200/- (w.e.f. 01.04.2022) only. Non Resident Keralites (India) member has to pay Rs. 200/- (w.e.f. 01.04.2022) as contribution per month. The Act envisages the formation of the Welfare Fund through contribution at the rate of Rs. 350/- per month from the Non Resident Keralite (abroad) members, Rs.200/- per month from Non Resident Keralite (Returned) and Non Resident Keralite (India)
Vision of the Board
Welfare of NRKs and reach out to everybody eligible for getting relief and benefits from the Pravasi Welfare Fund.
Mission of the Board
To undertake Welfare Schemes as envisaged in the Non Resident Keralites’ Welfare Act, 2008 including payment of monthly Pension to the eligible NRKs.
Board of Directors
Shri. KV Abdul Khader
Shri. Kunhammed N. K.
Shri. Badusha Kadalundy
Shri. N. Ajith Kumar
Shri. E. M. Sudheer
Shri. Wilson Vavanal George
Shri. K. C. Sajeev Thycaud
Shri. George Varghese